Carbon emissions are rising and the climate change consequences will be catastrophic to people and wildlife. By offsetting your carbon footprint, you will support identifiable projects that are committed to reducing CO2 from the atmosphere. This allows you to understand your effect on the environment and make good your individual emissions.
We are a UK registered non for profit environmental charity. Our website is fully funded by a private company. We guarantee that the entirety of your money goes to the project of your choice.
Our calculation methodology has been developed by a PhD student Geng Qin at Imperial College, London.
How much is your bill in per year for
Select size and fuel type of your car
Enter your average mileage travelled by car per year (in ).
How often do you use public transport per week?
How often do you use taxis per week?
The number of one way flights per year:
What is you diet like?
If you consider you lifestyle as extraordinary
You have produced
Keep it up!
Reducing deforestation and protecting wildlife. Investing in education.
Verification | REDD+ |
PROJECT DEVELOPER | Wildlife Alliance |
The Cardamom Rainforest Landscape in Cambodia is one of the last unfragmented rainforests remaining in Southeast Asia. Using global best practices for forest protection and community development, it prevents more than 3,000,000 tons of carbon emissions annually and protects 497,000 hectares of tropical rainforest in South-West Cambodia. This area is globally significant for ecosystem servicing, wildlife conservation, and community livelihoods and serves as the region’s most important watershed, climate regulator and carbon sink.It costs $8 per ton for your offset.
Cost of your offset per month |
Reducing deforestation and protecting wildlife. Investing in education.
Verification | REDD+ |
PROJECT DEVELOPER | Wildlife Works |
The project protects over 200,000 hectares of dryland forest in Kenya with the potential to offset 1.7 million tons of carbon emissions per year over the next 30 years. Wildlife Works provides the local community with long-term jobs that replacesunsustainable sources of income, supporting education, protecting wildlife, helping farmers, and growing trees. The project received Gold Level Status for exceptional biodiversity and climate benefits.It costs 8$ per ton for your offset.
Cost of your offset per month |
Reducing deforestation and protecting wildlife. Investing in education.
Verification | REDD+ |
The world’s largest initiative to protect High Conservation Value tropical lowland peat swamp forests from conversion to palm oil plantations. The project will avoid 130 million tonnes of carbon emissions over the next 30 years, protecting an incredibly diverse population of wildlife including the endangered Borneo Orangutan, over 122 species of mammals, 300 species of birds and 180 species of trees and plants. It costs 8$ per ton of your offset.
Cost of your offset per month |
Reducing deforestation and air pollution. Helping poverty.
Verification | Gold Standard |
PROJECT DEVELOPER | Soneva Foundation |
Rural families in Myanmar spend as much as 40% of their income or time equivalent on purchasing or collecting firewood. As the forests disappear, the price of wood increases, driving more families into energy poverty. This project subsidises the distribution of fuel efficient cooking stoves to over 200,000 families, reducing pressure on forests and air pollution from domestic cooking. Each new stove saves 2.5 tons of wood per year and reduces wood consumption by at least 50%. Carbon emissions are reduced by four tons per stove per year. Each stove costs $50.
Cost of your offset per month |
Reducing deforestation and protecting wildlife. Investing in education.
Verification | REDD+ |
PROJECT DEVELOPER | Wildlife Alliance |
The Cardamom Rainforest Landscape in Cambodia is one of the last unfragmented rainforests remaining in Southeast Asia. Using global best practices for forest protection and community development, it prevents more than 3,000,000 tons of carbon emissions annually and protects 497,000 hectares of tropical rainforest in South-West Cambodia. This area is globally significant for ecosystem servicing, wildlife conservation, and community livelihoods and serves as the region’s most important watershed, climate regulator and carbon sink.It costs $8 per ton for your offset.
Cost of your offset per month |
Reducing deforestation and protecting wildlife. Investing in education.
Verification | REDD+ |
PROJECT DEVELOPER | Wildlife Works |
The project protects over 200,000 hectares of dryland forest in Kenya with the potential to offset 1.7 million tons of carbon emissions per year over the next 30 years. Wildlife Works provides the local community with long-term jobs that replacesunsustainable sources of income, supporting education, protecting wildlife, helping farmers, and growing trees. The project received Gold Level Status for exceptional biodiversity and climate benefits.It costs 8$ per ton for your offset.
Cost of your offset per month |
Reducing deforestation and protecting wildlife. Investing in education.
Verification | REDD+ |
The world’s largest initiative to protect High Conservation Value tropical lowland peat swamp forests from conversion to palm oil plantations. The project will avoid 130 million tonnes of carbon emissions over the next 30 years, protecting an incredibly diverse population of wildlife including the endangered Borneo Orangutan, over 122 species of mammals, 300 species of birds and 180 species of trees and plants. It costs 8$ per ton of your offset.
Cost of your offset per month |
Reducing deforestation and air pollution. Helping poverty.
Verification | Gold Standard |
PROJECT DEVELOPER | Soneva Foundation |
Rural families in Myanmar spend as much as 40% of their income or time equivalent on purchasing or collecting firewood. As the forests disappear, the price of wood increases, driving more families into energy poverty. This project subsidises the distribution of fuel efficient cooking stoves to over 200,000 families, reducing pressure on forests and air pollution from domestic cooking. Each new stove saves 2.5 tons of wood per year and reduces wood consumption by at least 50%. Carbon emissions are reduced by four tons per stove per year. Each stove costs $50.
Cost of your offset per month |